Written by Courtney Johnson
Singer-songwriter Andrew Hozier-Byrne, also known simply as Hozier, has never been one to shy away from addressing social issues in his music. His first single, “Take Me to Church”, a powerful piece that details the repercussions of the Catholic Church and its stance on homosexuality, took the world by storm. This time around, Hozier is releasing a music video for his newest single, “Cherry Wine” and is making a statement with it as well. The story of an abusive relationship is told from a man’s point of view, showing the ins and outs and cycles of the relationship and how the victim justifies it. With the proceeds from the single on iTunes going to domestic abuse charities around the world, he’s proving even more that he’s not afraid to be an advocate for these kinds of issues. But he isn’t doing it alone – the video stars Saoirse Ronan (Brooklyn, The Grand Budapest Hotel) and Moe Dunford (Game of Thrones, Vikings), two other advocates of the #FaceUptoDomesticViolence campaign. Interested? Check out the video below.
A minimum of $.91 from each sale on iTunes is given to these charities.
USA - National Coalition Against Domestic Violence - http://www.ncadv.org
UK - Women’s Aid - Women’s Aid.org
Ireland - Safe Ireland - http://www.safeireland.ie/
Australia - Our Watch - http://www.ourwatch.org.au/
Canada - Canadian Women’s Foundation - http://www.canadianwomen.org/
Germany - Weisser Ring - www.weisser-ring.de/internet/
France - Solidarite Femmes - http://www.solidaritefemmes.org/
Holland - Blijf Groep - www.blijfgroep.nl/
Italy - Telefonorosa - www.telefonorosa.it/
Spain - Cruz Roja - Link
New Zealand - Shine - www.2shine.org.nz/
Portugal - AMCV - Link
Luxemburg - Femmes En Detresse - http://fed.lu/wp
Switzerland - Dachorganisation der Frauenhäuser der Schweiz und Liechtenstein - www.frauenhaus-schweiz.ch
Austria - Frauenhelpline - http://www.frauenhelpline.at/new
Norway - Women’s Shelters Organisation - http://www.krisesenter.com/the-womens-shelter
Sweden - ROKS - www.roks.se
Denmark - LOKK - http://www.lokk.dk/Info/In-English/
Poland - Niebieska Linia - http://www.niebieskalinia.org/
Belgium - VZW ZIJN - http://www.vzwzijn.be/steun-ons
Finland - Ensi-Ja Turvakotien Liitto - http://www.ensijaturvakotienliitto.fi/
Argentina - Unicef - http://www.unicef.org/argentina/spanish/